Resolved -
We've verified that the O365 phishing submission button is now working as expected and we're taking steps to ensure this does not happen again in the future.
Oct 1, 14:43 EDT
Monitoring -
We've deployed a fix and are continuing to monitor for any additional issues.
Oct 1, 12:01 EDT
Update -
We have identified the issue and are working to deploy a fix. We will provide another update NLT 11:30 AM EDT.
Oct 1, 11:04 EDT
Update -
We have identified the issue and are working to deploy a fix. We will provide another update NLT 11:00 AM EDT.
Oct 1, 10:35 EDT
Identified -
A new issue preventing submission of phishing emails via the O365 button has arisen. We've identified the issue and are actively working on a fix. Expect an update NLT 10:30 AM EDT.
Oct 1, 10:10 EDT
Monitoring -
We are continuing to monitor the fix for the O365 phishing submission errors.
Sep 30, 18:47 EDT
Update -
We've deployed a fix for the issue with our phishing service that was causing submissions via our O365 button to throw an error.
Sep 30, 18:36 EDT
Update -
We are in the process of testing a fix for the issue that is causing phishing submissions via our O365 button to throw an error. Please continue to submit phishing emails via alternate methods until the fix is deployed. We will provide an update on the issue no later than 6:30 PM EDT
Sep 30, 17:59 EDT
Update -
We are in the process of testing a fix for the issue that is causing phishing submissions via our O365 button to throw an error. Please continue to submit phishing emails via alternate methods until the fix is deployed. We will provide an update on the issue no later than 6:00 PM EDT
Sep 30, 17:31 EDT
Identified -
We believe we've identified the issue with our phishing service that is causing submissions via our O365 button to throw an error. We are working on the fix and hope to resolve the problem within the next hour. Please continue to submit phishing emails via alternate methods until the fix is deployed. We will provide an update on the issue no later than 5:30 PM EDT.
Sep 30, 16:56 EDT
Investigating -
We're experiencing an issue with our phishing service that is causing submissions via our O365 button to throw an error. We are actively monitoring the issue and working internally to understand and resolve the problem. Please submit phishing emails via alternate methods while we troubleshoot. We will provide an update on the issue no later than 5:00 PM EDT
Sep 30, 16:37 EDT